Wednesday, January 8, 2014

first post of 2014

So, 2013 was the year of my smartphone picture challenge. To only take pictures using my phone... I think it went over pretty great. Over a thousand pictures were taken. Thirteen made it to a calendar I do yearly.

This year, while it has already started, I haven't pinned down a project I'd like to do just yet. So until then the pictures will be somewhat random and with a story.

This was taken on my walk this morning. I've been trying to take pictures of these birds for a few weeks now but they're just so jittery that I'd never really been able to get a good clear shot. I still don't think I have one. It's a bird with a beautiful blue body and a black head. The picture was taken with my D3100... I think I just might have to come up with a name for it. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

project: brittle.

This week I've been working on a little Christmas project and that's making brittle. It's a bit time consuming but it's also pretty relaxing. One batch makes roughly 2lbs. And I've made about six different batches. To me, this is definitely a labor of love. I really like baking but for some reason this is my favorite. 

I started off making just the plain peanut brittle then figured I could add some different flavors and it kind of took off. Several different flavors, a few different nuts but for the most part one awesome outcome: everyone that's tried it loves it. 

This year, I had been searching all year ( on and off) on how to make a bacon brittle. I couldn't find anything but just candied bacon. So I took matters into my own hands and decided to make a bacon peanut brittle. It came out pretty decent. Not a complete wow like the spicy nor the cinnamon brittles I make but it wasn't disgusting so that's technically a win in itself. 

Pictured is the different steps to the bacon peanut brittle. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

coming to a close...

The year, not the blog. I know I haven't been posting as much but that hasn't stopped me with this year's project. This year, I was challenged to use my smartphone to take pics. I was never one for using it because of the lack of features I'd use on my camera. But to help myself grow and learn, I took on the challenge and it has definitely been fun with a side of learning experience. Using my phone I didn't have the normal features, like optical zoom or the super macro for the really up close shots so I had to get creative.

I've taken over a thousand pictures, I've also had to unload pictures from my phone to my external hard drive three or four times. I've even deleted a ton of pictures because they've looked too blurry, not the right angle... or I just didn't like it.

I love taking pictures and I hoped this year's project helped me grow. So, as the year comes to a close it's time to look for a different project but I won't stop with this blog. It'll change and I hope you stick around.

Also, I'm now on instagram @pigpandacow. Follow me on there to see some random pics.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


So I've been trying my best to get back into the swing of things and I haven't found anything worth posting. Til now, I'm not one for using "filters" or photoshop... or well, even instagram. ( It might change, you never know.) But I took this pic today and felt that it needed treatment.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

fall morning

This morning a spent a few minutes in the dog yard just hanging out. Looking around, enjoying the crisp cool morning and taking in the quietness of it all. I noticed some dew on the grass, put my camera phone on macro shooting mode and went to "work".